Amazon WorkSpaces are virtual computers hosted by AWS and are available anywhere. They're able to connect to the company's share drives, email, and remote desktop connections. To use a WorkSpace, you simply need to download a WorkSpaces client (recommended) or access via a web browser. This guide walks you through this process.

When should I use an Amazon WorkSpace?

You'll want to use a WorkSpace if you have not been issued a company laptop and need:

  • Access to a shared drive (e.g., H, I, O)
  • Or, need to connect to your office desktop computer

While using Amazon WorkSpace, it is best to keep all personal files in the "I" drive so they're accessible from your desktop. 

Connect to your WorkSpace

  1. From your personal machine, download and install a WorkSpaces Client available here:
  2. Find the "WorkSpaces Setup" email sent to you by someone on the IT team and copy the "registration code"
  3. Once you've installed the client, launch it, enter the registration code, and click "Register"
  4. Enter your company username and password (this is the same username and password you use to log in to your company computer) and click "Sign In"
  5. If it's the first time you've logged in, you may get prompted about whether you want to make the PC "discoverable by other PCs and devices on this network." Click "No".
  6. You'll now have access to a fresh computer from which you can access the H drive, Microsoft Office, or Remote Desktop connect to your desktop